One of the helpful thing while shopping for a camera gear is having the price easily available at your finger tips.
So, while we are doing our shopping for a NIKON lens/accessories we discovered that not all the products from the NIKKON Lens Book when searched on the Amazon will pop up correctly.
Since we are searching for the pricing on Amazon we thought we should give it a try to see if we can find each and every product on the NIKKON Lens Book. In the process we managed to locate almost all the prices for the products with only a few that is not available on Amazon. There are a couple that is not available in the Amazon US site but they can be found in the Amazon UK site.
We have compiled our findings in an comprehensive list and added all the links to the products that we found.
If you are a Nikon DSLR camera user, you should have a copy of this NIKKON Lens Book and our pricing advice list pdf in your possession.
Simply click on the images below to download them.
What you will find in the Lens Book:
Wide-Angle Zoom NIKKOR Lenses...................p4-p11
Normal Zoom NIKKOR Lenses.....................p12-p21
Telephoto Zoom NIKKOR Lenses.................................p22-p28
Fixed Focal-Length NIKKOR Lenses..............p29-p44
Special-Purpose NIKKOR Lenses..............p45-p49
Optional Accessories...................................p50
NIKKOR Technology........................................... p51-p53
Specifications................................................. p54-p55
To compliment the NIKKOR Lens book, don’t forget to download our Pricing Advice list below. This list contains all the Amazon links to help you easily figure out the pricing and availability of the item that you need to purchase. Click on the image below to download.
Hope this helps.
If you find these information helpful to you, do share this to anyone who might need this.